Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dahlia & Lance's Travel Plans for 2006

April 11-18 - Baltimore, MD and Allentown, PA for Family Visit
May 1- 31 - New Zealand
June 1- July 13 - Australia
July 14 - 21 - Fiji
August 15 - September 7 - Alaska
October 7 - 21 - Ghost Ranch and Santa Fe, MN
November 25 - December 2 - Cancun, MX
December 23 - January 2, 2007 - Baltimore, MD

Trip to Lake Tahoe, March 2006

We just returned from Tahoe Vista, CA on Lake Tahoe where we spent a week. We stayed in a quaint timeshare and it snowed every day. We needed chains on the car to get in and out over the Donner Pass on I80, in fact we had to drive 40 miles with chains when we left it was snowing so hard. We went cross country skiing one day and visited Stateline, NV and Squaw Valley Ski resorts (shopping not skiing!). Our friends Sandy and Paul Swanson from Ventura joined us for two days and the end and we went show shoeing with them and Paul and Lance went snowmobiling one day. He had the $1.99 breakfast at the Casino a couple of mornings and won enough by playing $2 in the nickel slot machines to pay for breakfast! We had a great time and it was good to seek winter for a week.

Sipping Wine in the Spa Posted by Picasa

Lance and Paul Swanson on Snowmobile Trail Posted by Picasa

Lance Zooming By on Snowmobile Posted by Picasa

Dahlia and Our Friends the Swansons Playing the Nickel Machines at Tahoe Casino Posted by Picasa

Dahlia Cross Country Skiing Posted by Picasa

Dahlia and Car in Front of Snow Pile Posted by Picasa

Snow Plow Clearing Road Posted by Picasa

Trip to Sedon, AZ, December 2005

We are finally posting pictures from Sedona. Sedona is an awe inspiring place surrounded by huge red cliffs and was about a eight hour drive from Oxnard. We planned to go for a week but it was so beautiful and the crisp weather so nice we decided to stay for two weeks, so we got another timeshare exchange over the phone. We spent the time hiking in the hills; we took a pastel art class for three days and had a wonderful time with the teacher Polly and her husband Bill. We took a number of day trips, including a train ride through the wilds of a wonderful canyon and the Petrified Forest State Park. It sure felt like cowboy country and we stopped along the way in a restaurant full of Indians (no kidding!). Our friends, Jan and Bill Wilson joined us for a few days and we had a wonderful time browsing shops and hiking.

Our Pastel Art Class, Polly, the teacher, is with Dog Posted by Picasa

More Beautiful Mountains Posted by Picasa

Jan & Bill Wilson with Us on Hike Posted by Picasa

Indian Pueblo Dwellings Posted by Picasa

State Park Building at Petrified Forest Posted by Picasa

Red Pillers at Sedona Posted by Picasa

Lance Climbing Mountain  Posted by Picasa

Sunset in Sedona Posted by Picasa

End of New England Trip

We are finally getting back to Blogging after a long lapse. The New England and Canada trip were wonderful and we really enjoyed visiting Lance's long lost cousin John Riley in Providence RI and Dahlia's cousin Leslie Zebrowitz at her cabin in New Hampshire. We particularly enjoyed the kids and grandkids at Halloween in Baltimore.