Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Trip to Sedon, AZ, December 2005

We are finally posting pictures from Sedona. Sedona is an awe inspiring place surrounded by huge red cliffs and was about a eight hour drive from Oxnard. We planned to go for a week but it was so beautiful and the crisp weather so nice we decided to stay for two weeks, so we got another timeshare exchange over the phone. We spent the time hiking in the hills; we took a pastel art class for three days and had a wonderful time with the teacher Polly and her husband Bill. We took a number of day trips, including a train ride through the wilds of a wonderful canyon and the Petrified Forest State Park. It sure felt like cowboy country and we stopped along the way in a restaurant full of Indians (no kidding!). Our friends, Jan and Bill Wilson joined us for a few days and we had a wonderful time browsing shops and hiking.


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