Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Venice -April 23

Our 3rd day in Venice and it is real magic. We visited the colorful island of Burano and Murano with it's beautiful glass shops. The weather has been good so far, although in the evenings we had some rain. Last night we had a wonderful dinner with our hosts in Venice right at the foot of the Rialto bridge. The food, wine, view and company were delightful.
After dinner we strolled through the Piazza San Marco which seemed much nicer at night, with the lights on and the crowds gone. We are beginning to get the sense of the town and are doing a lot of walking. You can really go everywhere by foot, through quaint alleys and cute bridges.
More later..
Lance and Dahlia


  • At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Guys, It sounds like a successful trip so far. Your descriptions of Venice and the islands sound like advertisements from a tour book. I'm glad we got to see you before you left and we're looking forward to August. Keep up with the updates, Love, Steve


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