Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Saturday, April 16, 2005

16 April 2005 - Eilat, Israel

This is just a brief note because we are preparing to catch a plane from Eilat back to Tel Aviv. We had a wonderful weekend last week visiting family in Maryland for three days, including seeing our wonderful children and grand-children. We got a great send off from everybody. We arrived in London early Monday (11 Apr) morning and briefly met Dahlia's cousins Sandy and Janet at the hotel before rushing off to get a 10:30 pm flight to Tel Aviv. We arrived early Tuesday morning and stayed at a hotel near the Mediterranean Sea. Dahlia spent time visiting her friends and Lance was trying to overcome jet lag. On Thursday (14 Apr) we flew to Eilat with Dahlia's brother, Igal, and his family were we had a wonderful time visiting with them taking a desert safari tour and a Red Sea underwater observatory with huge schools of tropical fish. Our touring so far has been somewhat hectic, but we expect things to slow down when we get to Italy and will have more time for the blog.
- Cheers, Lance and Dahlia


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