Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas 2008 -25 Dec 2008 – 5 Jan 2009

Our Christmas Season trip to Maryland was cut short by a week because we missed our plane by five minutes on 17 Dec and couldn’t rebook until Christmas Day! In the end it was a lovely ten days spent with the family, however. Although we missed the open of the presents on Christmas morning we did make the rounds the day after Christmas to see what gifts the grandchildren got. We did a house exchange again, this time in a nice townhouse located in Ellicott City, MD. We spent time visiting each of our children’s families, took the little ones to the Baltimore Science Museum and the Washington Zoo and EJ to the Baltimore Museum of Art where we had a nice Sundry morning brunch. The time went by too quickly before we returned to LA.


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