Dahlia & Lance's Travels

Friday, April 28, 2006

Update of 2006 Travel Plans

May 1- 31 - New Zealand
June 1- July 13 - Australia
July 14 - 22 - Fiji
July 26 - Aug 1 - Denise & Family in Oxnard
August 13 - September 8 - Lopez Island, WA, Alaska, Cruise
October 7 - 21 - Ghost Ranch and Santa Fe, MN
December 2 - 9 - Cancun, Mexico
December 23 - January 2, 2007 - Baltimore, MD

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Plans for New Zealand, Australia & Fiji

We are busy preparing for our upcoming trip, getting last minute doctors and car appointments done, getting together equipment (cameras, dive gear, computers, art supplies), medicines and trying to pack the bare minimum of clothes and other stuff. We feel as though we are preparing for a safari.

Below is a map of our planned route. The itinerary is:
May 1 - Leave LA
May 3-19 - Arrowtown, NZ house exchange (1 on map)
May 19- 25 - Drive from South Island to North Island
May 25 - 31 Bay of Islands house exchange and Auckaland, NZ (2 on map)
June 1 - 8 - Melbourne, AU stay with Dahlia's relatives (3 on map)
June 8 - 30 - Sydney, AU house exchange (4 on map) and 3 or 4 day flight and tour of Ayres Rock and Alice Springs (5 on map)
June 31 - July 14 - Cairns, AU house exchange (6 on map) with couple of nights on boat on Great Barrier Reef
July 14 -22 - Nadi, Fiji timeshare (7 on map)
July 22 - Return to LA

We will update the blog approximately weekly, any delays mean we are having too good a time to bother with the computer!!

Map of Planned Route in New Zealand, Australia & Fiji Posted by Picasa

Trip to Allentown, PA and Baltimore, MD, 11-18 April

We had a wonderful time seeing the family in Allentown, PA and Baltimore. We had a 60th birthday party for Kathy, Mother looked good at 93, the weather was great and the blooming trees and flowers beautiful. The Easter weekend in Baltimore was wonderful with baby Kate and Grace providing the entertainment. The teenage girls and EJ were wondeful. We had a great time at Steve's when the whole family had an Easter egg hunt and ham Easter dinner. It was great to see everyone and we are so proud that everyone is doing so well.

Denise, Lance & EJ in DC Posted by Picasa

Kate Posted by Picasa

Beth & Steve Posted by Picasa

Grace Posted by Picasa

Lauren, Grace, Meg, Linsey & EJ Posted by Picasa

Mandy and Sue Posted by Picasa

Family at Pat's Posted by Picasa